Why shop for the same solid color decorations when you can accent your home with colorful mosaic prints. Last week while visiting a neighbor we got to talking about bathroom accessories that would compliment a black color scheme. She told me that the shops at the mall seemed to offer the same patterns and prints and that she wanted something interesting.
That night I went through my photographs of stained glass windows and mosaics and found a photo that looked promising due to the color used in the design. I uploaded the photo and used the photo editor to mirror the image onto the product when all was said and done I loved the look of the bath towels and accessories as they would compliment a black color scheme bathroom beautifully. Plus the mosaic pattern would appeal to both men and women.
Here is the towel set that I designed. Also, view other home décor products with the mosaic pattern. If you would like to view in high resolution then click the hyperlink product title to go to my online store.
by Susang6
Here is a mosaic serving tray that can be used in the kitchen or in the living room on your coffee table for guests to set their drinks on or to keep your table organized. Plus you can use this tray in the bathroom to keep perfumes, cotton ball jars, and other accessories tidy.
by riverme
by riverme
by wheresmymojo
by Susang6